The Club is proud to host BOW of California with its Annual Pheasant Hunt weekend October 13, 2019. This event is open to all women and offers them the opportunity to earn their Hunter Safety Education Certificate, get a hunting license and hunt pheasants in an action packed weekend at the Club. If a participant does not already have a valid Hunting License the online/home study portion of Hunter Safety must be completed prior to arrival at Hastings. This allows everyone to efficiently complete the Hunter Safety class and get to the practical side of hunting, sooner.
This year’s event will have a fast-paced action-packed itinerary. Participants will be camping out at the Club on Friday and Saturday night. Friday evening the ladies will have a social hour, dinner and meeting in the Clubhouse. Saturday morning those who need to complete their exam for the Hunter Education will have an opportunity to do so. The women requiring Hunting Licenses or Upland Game Validations will take a short ride into Rio Vista to purchase their license. Those who already have their licenses will be treated to a dog handling demonstration. Following lunch in the Club Coffee Shop the ladies will head out to the trap range for an afternoon of instruction in clay target shooting and principles of bird hunting.
Saturday evening will include a pheasant cleaning and cooking demonstration followed by a fresh pheasant dinner. Sunday morning things will really pick up and all of the newly acquired skills will be put to the test in the Club’s fields with a guided hunt over planted pheasants. Sunday lunch in our Coffee Shop will round out the event. The Club will offer bird cleaning services for all participants.
There is a limit of 20 women for the event.
To sign up for the event please contact Susan Herrgesell at (530) 347-0227 or email:
Becoming An Outdoors Woman Website: