The Club will be hosting the Yolo County Pheasants Forever “Youth Mentor Hunt” on January 17th, 2015. This hunt is for beginning hunters, age 15 or younger. Each junior hunter is paired with a dog, dog-handler, safety guide and required hunting and safety equipment; Blaze Orange clothing, shotgun, hearing and eye protection. Professional bird planters set three pheasants for each junior hunter in a designated private field, allowing each hunter the opportunity to harvest those birds over the guided dog.
Other activities during this event include classes on bird and gun cleaning and trap shooting basics. The highlight of the day is a raffle where every hunter goes home with a gift and two lucky winners become proud recipients of new shotguns. The day includes a barbeque hamburger lunch. Tickets go on sale at the annual Yolo County Pheasants Forever Banquet every Fall. Reservations are limited up for this popular event.
The most important aspect of this event is that it instills, in the newest generation of hunters a paramount sense of the importance of safety in the field. With diligence and a priority mind set for safety awareness, and a firm grasp of proper hunting practices, the tradition of upland game bird hunting will continue for years to come. Maintaining high standards of hunting skill, sportsmanship and safety in the field requires hours of work from all the volunteers: the guide, the dog handlers, the planters, the class teachers, the trap shooting instructors, all volunteer to introduce a new generation of hunters to upland game bird hunting. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please do not hesitate to contact the event coordinator, Mark Breckner. His email can be found on the Yolo County Pheasants Forever website: