1. Absolutely no hunting is allowed until a member’s card is paid in full. The member, whose name appears on the card, must be present to use the Club. Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times. The member’s spouse is a member – everyone else is a guest. Anyone under 21 years of age must be accompanied in the field by an adult, at all times.
2. The speed limit on the Preserve is: 15 MPH in hunting areas and at the Bus Stop. 30 MPH on the outskirts of the Island. This is strictly enforced. Please watch for speed bumps. The roads may be rough, especially in winter. Members are expected to exercise appropriate caution at all times.
3. Safe hunting is the cornerstone of our Club! In the field, each person must wear at least one article of solid blaze hunter orange, above the waist. We strongly recommend wearing safety glasses. Club rules prohibit shooting anywhere within a safety zone, ground shooting, shooting at low-flying birds and pass shooting. Do not shoot across roads or ditches, if the view is not clear. Please use extra caution if shooting in the vicinity of buildings, equipment or vehicles. The violation of any Club rule may result in the voiding of your bird card without refund. Hunting is not allowed when the visibility is less than 1/4 mile. Under foggy conditions, hunting may be delayed, and if hunters are in the field, they must immediately return to the Clubhouse.
4. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited at all times. It is a violation of State Fish and Game law to hunt while intoxicated. Hunter permits will be revoked from anyone management feels is under the influence of alcohol, or otherwise unfit to hunt.
5. State Fish & Game laws apply on the Preserve. It is against Fish and Game Code to shoot at any birds being released, within 300 yards of the releasing vehicle; use an unplugged gun on a licensed game preserve; shoot from a vehicle or carry a loaded weapon in a vehicle. It is a violation of Fish & Game and State Law to pluck or draw birds, or otherwise litter the fields.
6. The use of magnum shells and reduced loads are not allowed. The Club does not allow the use of shot size smaller than 7-1/2 or larger than 6. Archers must use flu-flu type arrows. Broad tipped arrows are not permitted.
7. BB guns, pellet guns, rifles and handguns are not allowed on the Preserve. Training pistols are not allowed on the Preserve during the hunting season.
8. Limitations on the number of guests are in effect on weekends and holidays (including the entire week after Christmas). On those days, the maximum number of persons in any group, one of which must be an active member, is four (this includes non-shooters) .
9. No one may hunt without a dog. Dogs must be under complete control at all times. Dogs running out of control or wildly flushing birds will not be tolerated. Do not allow your dog to interfere with other hunters. Each dog handler or owner is fully responsible for the actions of his dog. Hunters are expected to keep all birds caught by their dog, as any dog-caught bird that is then released will die within three days. Hunters must immediately follow-up on all wounded birds. When a bird is winged, stay with your dog until the bird is found. Leaving wounded birds without an honest attempt to retrieve them, or discarding unwanted or dog- caught birds, will result in the voiding of your bird card without refund, and a citation for Wanton Waste of Game from the State Department of Fish and Game.
10. The Club does not allow the field trial exercising of dogs during the hunting season, except in designated fields. We expect hunters to shoot all birds flushed by their dog.
11. The Club does not permit the running of dogs with a moving vehicle, at any time, on any part of the Island.
12. All dogs must be kept on a leash, except when in the field. Dogs are not allowed in the Clubhouse, on the porch, or in the picnic area. Do not tie dogs to trees or faucets. Please clean up after your dog, unless you are in the field.
13. Rental dog reservations must be canceled at least 24 hours prior to the date of reservation, or you will be charged for the rental. Rental dog reservations or cancellations are accepted during normal hunting season office hours, 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
14. Rental dogs may be hunted for a maximum of four hours. This time is continuous from when the dog is taken from the kennel until returned. Taking breaks does not extend this time. On weekends and holidays, dog rentals are limited to one hunt per day. No more than four persons (including non- shooters) are allowed in a group with a rental dog. Never hunt another dog with a rental dog. The disciplining of rental dogs is strictly prohibited. If a rental dog misbehaves, return the dog to the kennel at once.
15. The State Fish and Game Code requires that all hunters and their guests sign-in and sign-out at the Clubhouse, on each visit to the Club. The license number of all vehicles in the party must be noted on the sign-in sheet. All hunters, regardless of age, must have in their possession at all times, a valid California Hunting License and a Hastings Island Hunting Preserve issued field permit.
16. Please do not drain dish water or sewer water into our ditches. It is against County Health Law to drain any hose from a recreational vehicle into anything other than an approved dump station.
17. Our patrolmen are in the field to promote safety, assist you with your hunt, and enforce Club rules. Please utilize this valuable resource.
18. In accepting a bird card, each member and/or guest agrees to allow his vehicle to be searched by the management, its agents, or Department of Fish & Game personnel. The violation of any Fish & Game or Hastings Island Hunting Preserve regulation will be grounds for immediate revocation of all Club privileges without refund.
19. The undersigned member hereby agrees to abide by each and all of the foregoing rules and regulations, and to assume all responsibility for guests to do the same. The undersigned acknowledges that he has read and understands the foregoing rules and regulations and has been provided with a copy of them and that a violation of these rules and regulations will subject the undersigned member or guest to civil liability to anyone whose person or property is injured as a result. The undersigned member further acknowledges that hunting can be a dangerous sport, and hereby agrees to assume the risks attendant thereupon and further agrees to assert no claims against Hastings Island Hunting Preserve or landowners, or their agents or employees, for death or injury from accidents occurring to the undersigned or his property in or about the Hunting Preserve from any cause other than willful or intentional misconduct, including negligence or carelessness of the Hastings Island Hunting Preserve or landowners, or the agents or employees of either of them. The undersigned hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Hastings Island Hunting Preserve, and all landowners on whose land the hunt is conducted, harmless against any and all like claims by guests of the undersigned.